Understanding the difference between leadership and management.
Realizing the key characteristics of a good leader, self-knowledge.
Knowing the key steps to learning to be/becoming a real leader.
Know how to work with one's own personal vision and the vision of a team or organization with the use of customer orientation and focus on exceptional performance.
Learn to benefit from the principles of leading others in the right way.
Learn to how to work with motivation, know the motivating factors and use them to engage others.
Learn to respect the principles of proper delegation.
Content frame:
leadership vs. management
how to become a leader – key characteristics, behavior of a leader
what needs to be done
vision – personal and team vision
creating and using a vision to engage others
customer orientation – applying the approach in creating a vision, communicating and leading a team
exceptional performance – characteristic behavior of a leader
Leading others
working with targets and priorities, setting the targets and communicating them as a leader
removing obstacles – using the systems and structures to meet the targets efficiently
support and encouragement – engagement of people and maintaining exceptional performance
motivating factors, hierarchy of needs
theories of motivation – different approaches to identifying motivation factors
what is motivating us? – career anchors, own motivating factors
What is motivating the employees, team members? – methods and techniques for identifying motivating factors